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.308 question

CS Boomis

Dec 31, 2023
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I was out dumbing around looking at stuff on the intardwebz and encountered something thought provoking. I don’t currently reload. I’m in the space and acquisition phase. Have any of you guys tried to replicate some of the more esoteric new loads for the .308? I was watching a video a while back, and the shooter was testing some whiz bang experimental rounds. He didn’t say what the exact distance was, but did say that it around the same number as the model year of his whip. That would be 2000 and something. It was snowing and he made a second round hit then packed his shit up and diddy maued. What made me think of home grown goodness was the price of the RUAG way the fuck out there stuff. It was significant for the cartridge.
I thought I could understand most Internet twang but guess not


People judging distances on the Internet are like 16 year olds bragging about their dick size. Usually overrated by more than half the distance.

Probably wasn’t a .308winchester
That was my first thought. Maybe a 300 short mag? No matter how much I love my .3OHate, it's limited by today's cartridges
Attach the video.
Clints right. That would help a bunch.
What's the drop on Marks load? My app shows over 3200 😲
People shoot .45-70 at 1k, and yall don't think a 308 will reach 2k? It's not precision by today's standards, but it's certainly doable.
I’m trying to find the dang video. It was Rex Tibor from a while back. The RUAG is a specialized precision loading and projectile from Switzerland. I hadn’t ever priced them, but that place Cowcatcher bought his Garmin from had them.
Next you’re gonna tell me that Billy Dixon really made that long shot at Adobe Walls.
iirc dixon said there was a group of "indians" on horse back on top of a rise,

He used the borrowed buffalo rifle, cranked the vernier sight to it's highest elevation, aimed toward their location with the hopes of bullet hitting something or being close and scaring them off.

He fired , several seconds later a indian fell off his horse.
iirc dixon said there was a group of "indians" on horse back on top of a rise,

He used the borrowed buffalo rifle, cranked the vernier sight to it's highest elevation, aimed toward their location with the hopes of bullet hitting something or being close and scaring them off.

He fired , several seconds later a indian fell off his horse.

Iirc dixon even said he didn’t make the shot. Lol
Beats me, dixon's 1500+ yard shot real or not might have been sharp's promo for selling more rifles

iirc what i read years ago dixon even said it was a lucky shot.

For all that is known dixon shot in the general direction and the horse and man just wandered into the bullets path at unlucky moment.

Hell for that matter maybe he was wounded from an earlier shot and just happened to fall off his horse a few seconds after dixon shot in his direction.