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Arms and hands tingling and numb


Dec 22, 2023
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I have been waking up with my arm and hand tingling the past 6 months or so and sometimes during the day mostly my thumbs and first couple fingers it hurts to type this now I keep having to lay the phone down I have mentioned it to my heart doctor and she says she has no idea anyone else ever have this problem???
Stay on top of it brother. I mean that!

I'm type 2 diabetic and have nerve pain in my feet at times. I take Neuroton (sp) and it helps a lot. Mines usually at night though. Might throw that at her?
At night my feet hurt when I get up to go to the bathroom 🤔
Yep, get thee to thy primary care physician and ask for bloodwork to be done. I take Gabapentin for neuropathy and it does help. So much so that if I forget to take my bedtime dose I will wake up with my right arm all the way down to my hand hurting (compression of the nerves in my cervical/occipital area and thoracic spine), and my foot and ankle (neuropathy from a cut nerve) THROBBING.

It could be any number of things, some more serious than others, so getting checked out is the smart thing to do.
Everything you described sounds like a neuropathy secondary to a brachial plexus issue, it can be bilateral or unilateral, but get it checked out because it can be secondary to something else.
Various contributors to it: arthritis, sports injuries, accidents, C Spine injuries, tumors, etc. Nothing wrong with seeing a chiropractor and your regular doc should refer you to Ortho for a check up, not say they never heard of it. Never heard of a cardiac factor contributing to it, but you never know.

I get them all the time. I do exercise simply because if I don't, it'll get worse. Lot's of Motrin/Tylenol, H2O, and caffeine and moving around even when it hurts.
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I have trouble with my neck sometimes comes from being a welder and flipping my hood down all day long
I would seek the advice of a physician.

That said are you taking B6/12, if you take too much like drinking several energy drinks, emergen-c, supplements you can get tingling in your extremities. Likewise if you are deficient in b vitamins you can also experience tingling .
No energy drinks no emergen c just all my heart meds plus a multivitamin
I’m under 40 and 4 herniated disc starting at the bottom or pelvic inline of each other this said if I stand, sit or walk to long everything from wast down gets numb and tingling. The bulge is hitting the sciatic nerves. It’s retarded and stupid.
I stopped going to the doctor because they pumped me full of all the pain drugs that didn’t work. Like JEvapa I found that I have to continue to do exercise that WORKS for ME. I only take Tylenol or Motrin is really needed. Iv been study plant meds for over 15 years and found some that really help with inflammation. This is key for me. However plant meds really don’t start working till around 2/3 week mark. Iv farmed my whole life, back in November I got my cdl to work in the oil field but this is affecting me driving. Not good when I have 50 tons moving at 65-70 and things get tingly…
so now im looking for another career I can do. I don’t know what it means to quit or give up so until then im exploring options!
So I can kinda relate
Seventeen years ago I was working a job in Arkansas when my legs started going other places than where I was. I had been dealing with back pain, and sometimes it would dump me in the dirt when I was working cattle or other tasks with a lot of bending and twisting. Ended up getting in with a specialist after getting mauled by chiropactors and quacks. Turns out that there were no discs between L5 and S1. He told me I was about 6 to 8 weeks from a wheelchair for the rest of my life. As it isI woke up after being stretched and fused and haven’t missed a beat since.

Moral of the story is don’t be a tough guy. They can do some amazing things these days. They even have a little mechanical disc replacement if you don’t be a dumbass and wait too long.
Seventeen years ago I was working a job in Arkansas when my legs started going other places than where I was. I had been dealing with back pain, and sometimes it would dump me in the dirt when I was working cattle or other tasks with a lot of bending and twisting. Ended up getting in with a specialist after getting mauled by chiropactors and quacks. Turns out that there were no discs between L5 and S1. He told me I was about 6 to 8 weeks from a wheelchair for the rest of my life. As it isI woke up after being stretched and fused and haven’t missed a beat since.

Moral of the story is don’t be a tough guy. They can do some amazing things these days. They even have a little mechanical disc replacement if you don’t be a dumbass and wait too long.
I’m being a dumbass I have used IHS my whole life a they have fucked and almost killed me several times. I’m terrified of all hospitals and doctors.
Was called Carl Albert Indian hospital, the native down this way called it killer Carl.
I now go to a normal hospital and pay cash. Services are so much better.