Beats me on net site to watch & reloading classes.
I know read & follow written published instructions & load data from an established company.
I started loading 38/357 & 308win in the mid 80s with a lee challenger kit, dies, powder dipper, scale, case trimmer, champer, case lube & auto primer.
Had & still use a speer & hogdons load books, got several others ive added to my library through the years.
I read a lot of articles and followed the lee instruction manual and speer manual then set my kit up and started loading base & mid published loads.
I wrote every loading down in my loads

iirc since im too lazy to go dig up my book, i started out using unique in my lead 38 & 357 loads, h380 in my 308,
after bout a year i began loading h110 in my max 357 loads and win748 in my 308.
Course Id bought a lot of "new" additional reloading gear etc to load other calibers i bought rifles & pistols for.
And in 87' iirc my pop bought me a lee pro1k with carbide 38/357 dies.
It still works fine (i mounted my rt1200 to it so i have a progressive case trimmer), pro1k works well enough i bought few more of them to load pistol ammo with.