Thanks much!Shop in "Tulsa area" had one recently for $16k. I'll ask my buddy who mentioned it where he saw it.
"So it's an insane coincidence, I went to the second best gun shop in my town of 3000 people and they've got a semi auto M2 on the floor, and a semi auto M249 to boot! M2 was $16k and change and the 249 was like 12k."
Just realized that was back in who knows. I still asked where, will report back.
No, a guy I know is looking for one.You guys thinking Harris is gonna win the election and the insurrection and civil war is going to start right after?
Good Lord, I'd give a couple months of SSI payments just to watch that.There is a guy who owns a BIG ranch in south Texas who owns an F4-U Corsair. Last I talked to him he had found 5 of the 6 M2 aircraft version guns. He was arming up the old bird to shoot feral pigs on his property. He has had trouble with the FAA, but I think they have worked that out.
Yeah, he just told me he's looking for a demil he can rebuild. I'll still ping them though and see if they can help. A transferable is like $75K or something.If you are looking for a transferable, get hold of Alan Samuel at Machine Gun Tours in Colorado. Tell him I sent you.