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Jan 14, 2024
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Anyone else seen this device? It replaces the grip on your AR. you push in a latch and pull out a crank type of handle. The crank actuates a rod that goes up through the hollow screw holding your grip on the receiver. This rod pushes up on the bottom of the trigger. I think it has 3 lobes, so for each full crank of the handle it fires 3 rounds. Think of the crank that you can put on a 10-22. When your done playing you push in the crank and the grip looks like a regular grip, and back to regular function. Who thinks this crap up??? 🤯
This has been popping up in my YouTube feed. It looks pretty silly to me, but... I can't imagine having to hold the gun with your off hand while turning that little handle with your strong hand is good for much more than just putting rounds downrange in the general direction of a target.

I get the forced reset triggers. I've fired one and they're functional and cool. But this thing is just gimmicky to me.
Do you remember the crank that attached to the trigger guard. I haven’t seen it around in a hot min.

I watched it on YouTube just a day or so back. Not for me.
You guys are looking at it all wrong. When you are in full Wolverine mode and have to deliver the raking enfilade in your ambush on the godless commies and bottom sucking demonrats and rinos then you’ll be glad for the assist. Especially if you get a finger cramp because you ran out of Ensure two weeks ago and have been living on left over squirrel nuts that weren’t used making sights.
I like it.
I like the Hoffman Super Safety more...lol
I like the Hoffman Super Safety more...lol
Have you used one? I’ve been thinking of getting a binary or something similar. But I don’t want buy something that will fail or otherwise.
Have you used one? I’ve been thinking of getting a binary or something similar. But I don’t want buy something that will fail or otherwise.
I have not but there are some mim / laser sintered ones I want to try.
I was just looking at that pic… if you’re left handed does it load your mags for you?
Hmmmm, going to have to pass since I'm too old and cheap to buy gimmicky shit