I can tell you for a fact as someone who spent 20 years in the land mobile radio business and has a FCC radiotelephone license as well as an extra class ham license, there is no handheld that will work over 60 miles unless you have a direct line of sight to a repeater located on a mountaintop, then maybe. The $35 dollar thing is for the FRS radio band. Their range is a few miles depending on terrain. Mobile to mobile a little further. If you are in a populated area you might find others to talk to in emergencies, but out in the country it would be pretty scarce. Not many people listen to CB anymore, but it is another tool that might help. Ham radios are probably your best bet for emergency coms. They can communicate over ground wave for dozens of miles and atmospheric bounce can travel around the world. If you just want to have something for emergencies, get some ham gear. I wouldn't worry about having a license if it was a true emergency. The requirements would be waved if anyone was to even know. Just don't use them for non emergency. Or get your license and start learning about when and how to communicate.