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Gas pedal


Mine doesn’t help with recoil but it burns money about as fast as shooting does.
It is a misunderstood device, that has now morphed into a "recoil control" sales gimmic. If, and this is a gigantic if, it really helped with recoil control every grand master IPSC shooter would be running one, and they are not. I am assuming you mean it in the context of a carry gun/limited pistol and not in the context of a comped full on open class race gun. It plays a very different roll on a race gun, and really has nothing to do with recoil control.
Glock calls it a thumb rest trigger pin and I thought the way my support hand mounts the pistol this may be more comfortable.


When I shoot my 1911 I appreciate the extended thumb safety and I always wished I had a thumb rest for my support hand. Years ago when I had a comped 1911 shooting 155gr recoil really wasn’t an issue. My 38 super with really hot loads is a little snappy.
I went and looked these up. It definitely appears to be a solution looking for a problem. It seems that people pushing it don’t know what to do with their nonfiring thumb besides pointing it at the target. I think it would probably affect your shooting negatively especially if you hold the pistol normally.

If recoil mitigation is an issue, I highly recommend these and a dose of M.A.N. They’re cheaper too
Well, on open pistols, they usually run a lightened slide and around a 7# recoil spring. It's real easy for your support hand thumb to inadvertently rub on the slide and slow it enough to cause malfunctions. That and many of the C-More sight mounts would bang into the end of your support thumb. So Bevin Gram of Grams engineering came up with a REST for the offending digit which kept it out of the way. Then somebody about 4 years later started marketing them as a "recoil control" device, and the "rest" is history!..... Like what I did there??? Anyway, if you run one on a pistol you carry, you will almost need a ghost holster of some sort.
For reals though, for $25.95 you can get a Captains of Crush grip crusher No 1 (140lb) and hold your gun like man, or spend $30 on each gun for a thumb rest because of lo T or something.

While I admire the Kunfu grip and all, I would like to point out that there are several women grandmasters in IPSC and many more slightly built guys who would have a very hard time crushing an aluminum Coke can. Could it be technique might play a far larger part in fast and accurate pistol shooting? I for one would save that bone crushing grip for the times you are in "that van"..... 🤣🤣🤣
Nothing wrong with good grip strength, but I honestly believe, like the "gas pedal" deal we are talking about here, that for shooting it is highly over rated.
I thought folks that used those grip do hickeys did so to produce a better grip while chocking their chicken when pitching a tent.
No, those are for being able to rip and apple in half, shoot your gun with ease, and choke pencilnecks one-handed, lol