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How far are you willing to go?


Dec 30, 2023
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What's your limit on the range you'll pull the trigger on an animal?

I used to limit myself to about 250 yards. After considerable range time and confidence in my equipment and skills, I wouldn't pull the trigger on anything closer than 400. I've ventured to 650 but I'm starting to get out of my comfort zone there. How about you?
My problem where I live it’s too far to drive to practice consistently at anything past 300 yards it interests me considerably
Under 600 I find that wind and spin drift does not play a huge role in the cartridges that I shoot. So once I have my dope on elevation I am pretty much good to go. I would be pretty confident there, but calling a shot at say 1000, that is different. But I think at 1000 I would probably have time for a follow up before the animal scattered also.
Considering I shoot a 270 for deer. I wouldnt push past 300. First thing to know is cold bore shot placement. When I do hit the range. I always verify zero before going for the steal out to range. I know my cold bore at 100 for my 270. It’s 1in low and right.

Edit: The thing is can you make a cold bore shot at range? Do you know your cold bore shot placement?
Considering I shoot a 270 for deer. I wouldnt push past 300. First thing to know is cold bore shot placement. When I do hit the range. I always verify zero before going for the steal out to range. I know my cold bore at 100 for my 270. It’s 1in low and right.

Edit: The thing is can you make a cold bore shot at range? Do you know your cold bore shot placement?
2”s high at 100 yards for my 270’s
I would take shots at squirrels from 10 miles away if I had the right cartridge and optics and if it was safe to do so. Absolute pests that need to be eradicated from earth.
Considering I shoot a 270 for deer. I wouldnt push past 300. First thing to know is cold bore shot placement. When I do hit the range. I always verify zero before going for the steal out to range. I know my cold bore at 100 for my 270. It’s 1in low and right.

Edit: The thing is can you make a cold bore shot at range? Do you know your cold bore shot placement?
Funny I have the same cold bore for my 6.5CM. What is your 270 gn and velocity?
400-450 max for me. I know my cold bore at 100 is dead on with my 308 and I can first round hit a 5” plate at 300.
I am going to try a mile or close to it,this spring i hope. Probably won't do any good but going to try it anyway.
It depends on the location and animal, there is a big difference between deer around here and antelope or elk out west.

My hunting ethics abhor long range shots. You might as well be on the range shooting for group at that point.
Depends on the animal. I’ll take a crazy shot on a hog, not a deer. I’d say 500 max as I get to shoot steel at ever now and then.
300 yards or less on deer, small hogs etc. i've shot prairie dogs and hugh feral hogs much further.

On good days I have hit pie plates consistently out to 800yards with a few of my hunting rifles,

But pie plates targets and animals for food are two different things to me, so i limit my range to 300 yards or less, besides a good hunter ought to be able get close enough to his dinner or just go hungry
"Yeah I’ll play on a varmint type critter at any range if I believe the caliber stands a chance of getting there. I’m not worried if I just wound one."

I'm in 100%!!! If there is lead in the air,
There is hope in the heart!!!

The only exception is I don't even care if the cartridge stands a chance of getting there, sometimes God just wants some of these critters dead! 😁
I’ll fling a bullet at a coyote or pest from any distance, but 400 yards is about the end of my confidence and experience for a game animal. I might stretch that to 450 if the conditions were just right.