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Official Wait Time Thread?

Individual submitted 11/02/24

AB-10 .30 Cal.

This sucker is super lite compared to my R2.
I did file for a UPIN, but I don't know if that will have any impact on future purchases or not.

I finally got my UPIN. It's a replacement. I emailed them to check on it in late Oct. and they replied that it had been mailed on Sept 5th. When I replied back that I didn't receive it: crickets. It took about
10-12 more emails over several days to get them to send me a new letter, and the letter says the first number was deactivated and my new number is XXXXXXXX. It was like talking to a 5 yo little boy that had done something wrong and was speaking in 3 word sentences to keep from talking and giving away the truth. It was nutz. Never more than one sentence replies, and as few words as possible. When I finally lost it a little in my next to last email an agent replied that it had been forwarded to the the agent that deals with lost numbers and I should be getting another letter, but offered no timeline. When I then asked how long I should wait before contacting them again it took 3 days for me to get a two word reply; Two weeks. I got it 2 weeks and one day after that last reply.

Dealing with them has been like pulling teeth out of a rhinoceros thru his asshole. Anyway, it's done. We'll see if it makes a diff on my next can. I doubt it, but maybe.