But I couldn't find it.
And not to kipe anyone's thread.
So here's a few pics of a power trimmer I assembled from a singer sewing machine motor and lee collet, length gauge, cutter and chamfer cup, sometime in mid to late 80s.
when the knee action switch pedal finally wore out,
I used a dimmer switch for speed control and a button temporary switch to step on.
I used this set up to trim & chamfer all my rifle cases in bulk for years until I bought my dillon rt1200 and case trim dies,
I still use it on the cases I don't have dillon case trim dies for

My rt1200 I mounted on a 86' vintage lee pro1000 press, so I got a progressive case sizer/trimmer for 223 & 308 case based calibers I have dillon size/trim dies for.
And not to kipe anyone's thread.
So here's a few pics of a power trimmer I assembled from a singer sewing machine motor and lee collet, length gauge, cutter and chamfer cup, sometime in mid to late 80s.
when the knee action switch pedal finally wore out,
I used a dimmer switch for speed control and a button temporary switch to step on.
I used this set up to trim & chamfer all my rifle cases in bulk for years until I bought my dillon rt1200 and case trim dies,
I still use it on the cases I don't have dillon case trim dies for

My rt1200 I mounted on a 86' vintage lee pro1000 press, so I got a progressive case sizer/trimmer for 223 & 308 case based calibers I have dillon size/trim dies for.