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Rifle match at OKC Gun Club 11/23/24

No, it’s because we heard you were going to be there. You’ve heard the old adage, you’re known by the company you keep? We’ve learned we have to keep you at arms length and, it is deer season.🤣✌️

One other thing. We’re not door kicking, pipe hitting, knuckle draggers. We’re the Jodies all the famous boot camp ballads were written about.
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I forgot it was deer season. That explains it!! Y'all are all worn out from dragging those big old concrete benches, bags, bipod/tripods, and chronographs around to try and shoot a deer. Also you poor egos probably couldn't take getting trounced by a guy using iron sights while you were clicking and twisting all those fancy knobs on your over priced optics. As for the other part, I would never join a club that would have me as a member so I fully understand the company you keep thing😁

BTW the red dot guys don't like it either🤣
I forgot it was deer season. That explains it!! Y'all are all worn out from dragging those big old concrete benches, bags, bipod/tripods, and chronographs around to try and shoot a deer. Also you poor egos probably couldn't take getting trounced by a guy using iron sights while you were clicking and twisting all those fancy knobs on your over priced optics. As for the other part, I would never join a club that would have me as a member so I fully understand the company you keep thing😁

BTW the red dot guys don't like it either🤣
When I hunt I don’t have a bench and I sit on the ground with a cedar tree as my cover. Most of my shots are from the prone off a bipod and bag. I’ve hunted our farm for over 30 years taking deer from 40 yards to 627 yards shooting everything from 7mm win mag, 300wsm, and 7wsm taking deer, hogs, and coyotes. And, I apologize for nothing and have been very successful. So, take that, put it in your pipe and smoke it🤪
Ahhhh, unfortunately I'm a non smoker so the pipe thing is probably a non starter, but a crayon fight sounds intriguing!
The Y'all was an all encompassing you all and was not pointed at just one individual. Most of my big game hunting has been in Colorado and Alaska and New Mexico. I've never shot a deer off a bipod, nor prone. Sitting, sure, all slung up, but I really can't think of one much past 100 yards. I did shoot a nice Caribou at 192 paces, sitting, slung up with an as issued 1903-A3 but that was in pretty rough terrain, so I'm sure it was closer than 192. I've never used an optic on Deer, Elk, or Caribou, most of the time you can walk up pretty close. I did shoot an Antelope once at 550 over a day pack prone with a 308 with an optic, but it was really just to see if I could. I'm pretty sure I could hunt the deer around my place with a golf club and a sugar cube, but I much more prefer shooting the pigs. Caliber wise I've used a 94 Winchester in 30-30, an 86 Winchester in 45-90, an M1A I built up in 308, and the afore mentioned 30-06. I never could get mad enough at these critters to use any type of Magnum rifle cartridge.
Now red or orange?
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Here is a little trick we learned back in the team challenge days. Use standard or subsonic 22lr for the 90 yard stars. It starts slow and doesn't have near the wobble as the bullet falls from trans sonic to sub sonic, so the 90 yard accuracy was much better. The little star was just a smidge over 1".
To be fair here, I never use 22 shorts. 😁
I have a question for halftime at the crayon fight.

Are these matches monthly, quarterly or only during certain celestial events? I’ve been wanting to come up and embarrass myself in front of strangers for a couple of years now. I just keep getting nullified by other family events.

Duh! My phone just autoscrolled me to the top where I found my answer in the first post. 🤦‍♂️