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Self sufficient living eh? Hit me with your skunk recipes.

Take him to the lake or a nice pond and let him swim around for a little bit, then let him sleep outside for 3-4 nights. May take a couple trips to the pond. I set up a kiddie pool in the summer for the heeler. He prefers the pond when it has water.

The heeler gets sprayed a lot. Mostly because he's stupid. His biggest problem is he thinks he's a house dog and wants in the door every time someone opens it, so that's always a fight. He is trained to not enter unless he hears "okay", but that doesn't keep him from sticking his nose across the threshold and rubbing all aver your britches.

I learned from experience that bathing a skunk sprayed dog doesn't accomplish anything but making me smell like a skunk. Take him for a nice long swim and let the outside & the heat do the rest.

I do set a live trap and try to catch them whenever my knucklehead gets sprayed. I'm generally pretty successful at that, and one less skunk hanging around is always a good thing.
Yeah, with all the rain the pond is back to where it should be, so I think we’ll go swim today. I was doing some research, according to Cornell skunk spray is an oil from their anal gland, and it has two major ingredients: Thiol and Thioacetate. Thiol is the compound that causes the stink, and thioacetate is the basic, less stinky component that is waiting for water to activate so that it can become thiol. I figure lots of water will get all the smells activated and allow things to die off, rather than dealing with it for months. According to the study baking soda and hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the Thiol, but I don’t want to dye Clyde boy band blonde, so I’m trying to be real conservative with my application.

I have some live traps, what do you use for bait? I wouldn’t mind killing off some of the skunks around here, I’m hoping to get chickens soon anyways.
Hopefully, the skunk got away, and it’s not hidden in the backyard somewhere. Two of my dumbass dogs have been quilled multiple times by porcupines. It’s a major chore getting all of them removed. I had to take one of the dogs to the vet once because they were so deep inside his mouth that the vet had to knock him out to remove them.
I don’t think it is. I looked for it last night, with the intention of killing it and/or putting its dead body outside the fence. Never found it. Watched Clyde last night and this morning, he didn’t go look for it either.
I forgot, wash him outside or whatever unless you want skunk in your house for a long time. I wouldn't let him in the house for at least two weeks if he's an inside doge.
Yeah, I messed up and showered inside after bathing him, so now my bathroom smells like skunk.

Between the back patio/garage smelling horrible, Clyde having some stank, and my bathroom smelling like skunk I should be in for a fun Father’s Day, as I’m cooking tri tip for the whole family. I bet it’s gonna be aromatic one way or the other.
Yeah, with all the rain the pond is back to where it should be, so I think we’ll go swim today. I was doing some research, according to Cornell skunk spray is an oil from their anal gland, and it has two major ingredients: Thiol and Thioacetate. Thiol is the compound that causes the stink, and thioacetate is the basic, less stinky component that is waiting for water to activate so that it can become thiol. I figure lots of water will get all the smells activated and allow things to die off, rather than dealing with it for months. According to the study baking soda and hydrogen peroxide oxidizes the Thiol, but I don’t want to dye Clyde boy band blonde, so I’m trying to be real conservative with my application.

I have some live traps, what do you use for bait? I wouldn’t mind killing off some of the skunks around here, I’m hoping to get chickens soon anyways.

Dog food.

Get an old drop cloth or something and when you catch one carry it all spread out in front of you drop it over the cage. Then take it and set it by a hole you've already dug.

Leave a long tail of drop cloth so you can pull it off at a distance. A 20 ga load of #8's in the face from about 15 feet will do the trick. Open the cage, dump him in and cover it up. Little muss, little fuss, but it ain't so bad. Rinse the cage off real good with the hose and set it in the sun and you'll be good to go the next night.

Dig a deep hole. Or don't, I no shit, saw dirt flying one morning where I'd buried one the morning before, saw black fur, and thought, "that sonofabitch didn't die, or I've got a pet Cemetary issue on my hands. It was another skunk trying to dig his buddy up. He got buried about 2 ft east of his pal.

They easy to catch. Killing & burying them is another matter, but it can be done if you're careful.
I have some live traps, what do you use for bait? I wouldn’t mind killing off some of the skunks around here, I’m hoping to get chickens soon anyways.
Attach a good length of drag rope to whatever trap you use. I’ve personally had good success with a dish of water or peanut butter. Dog food never worked when we tried it, but too many other people say it works for me to toss it out. Place the trap against and parallel with an outside wall and I bet you get what you’re after. It’s brutal and sad AF to watch, but they don’t spray if you drown them IN the live trap.
I don’t have anything they eat so I let them roam around with all the other critters. They’re fun to watch with thermals
I personally took a skunk blast from about 2ft while dove hunting in some reeds once. I like the smell of skunk usually, but not in that concentration. I’ve got a lot less hair than a dog, but it took 3-4 days for the smell to come off me.

I got no beef with em as long as they don’t spray me/mine. My gpa hated em with a passion though, so i dispatched a lot of them on his behalf.
You’ve got to be pretty confident in yourself to walk into a Walgreens and purchase douche. My luck, the cashier would probably have to do a price check over the intercom system.
Yeah, and I really don't love the fact it's great at killing skunk smell.