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Wall racks/mounts/other open storage for secured areas


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Howdy all,

I'm looking to outfit a shelter/safe room with some weapon storage. The room will have a vault door so open storage is acceptable. For now, I was just planning to grab some surplus armory racks (WeaponStor Cabinets) but they're actually kinda spendy, at least on Ebay, and then I imagine shipping is a nightmare. The room will have concrete walls, and I'd prefer to leave them as whole as possible. Anyone have suggestions? Also feel free to discuss whatever else you'd put in a small shelter room.
I had a tornado room set up with a few sheets of slatwall mounted to the sides. Get various hooks and put silicone tubing over them to protect gun finishes and you can lay it out however you'd like.
I can post a few pics tonight.
Were your walls concrete? What did you do to mount the slatwall?
Carefully of Concrete walls, they like to sweat, and the vapor is mildly acidic, especially if they are fairly new. Might also think about a dehumidifier at least for a couple years.
I wouldn't have thought of that... It will be ventilated (FEMA spec shelter) but a dehumidifer might be in order. I'd just plop my safe in there but that's a lot of room for both the footprint and the doorswing (and I'm about out of room in there anyway).
Looks great and I think a similar solution should work for me. What'd that size panel end up running you? A cursory glance online seems to show a panel that size being a couple hundred at least

Not sure, there is (was, not sure if its still there) a fixture store in Tulsa I went to and just got what they had. They had a variety of colors and skews of hook, trays, shelves etc and I just grabbed an assortment of that stuff.
I was looking at arms room cages and racks and even used surplus, and some cost a small fortune and most are all beat TF up. Found a few on ebay but shipping doubles the price. IDK, I'd probably hunt around and do a cost comparison of building your own or buying used surplus. I bet @Cowcatcher could help...he's out your way and he does shit like this.