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While you "Nancy boys" were in your recliners

Well you can do all that if you wish, but I'm not sure it's worth it for a FREE permit, that is so easy to get. It used to be like pulling teeth to get one. The process was made much easier around 2021, or 22 and it takes about 5 minutes to do, and you get the email right away!
This isn't about being right or wrong, it's about keeping folks from getting in trouble. There isn't a single game warden I know that doesn't keep writing while you explain that you read on a shooting forum that you didn't need a permit. 😁
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It does kinda piss me off. The legislature said no permit required. Then a regulatory agency stepped in and said not so fast cowboy. We're gona make you jump through another hoop or two and apply for a permit after all. They ask questions like how many acres the landowner has. How the fuck should I know. It's at least 6 sections. I really kinda hate to pry into his business with such questions. He's nice enough to let me hunt there. I really don't want to bug him about such stuff. Maybe if I catch him out and about some day I'll talk to him about it. For right now the hogs and yotes will be safe after dark.
I've got several permits for various areas. All I ever do is list the boundaries of the land. I get the land owner to designate me as the agent of the land owner and I do the permit. It goes kinda like this. Hey do you want me to shoot some of your pigs i usually do it at night and I got plenty of night vision devices for you to use as well.... Sure! Now I'm the agent and do the permit. I have never listed the acreage, for one place I put in the 12 sections of land bounded by county Rd x and Y. No problem. I hear ya about the extra hoop, but it is free and pretty easy.
I’ll second what @KurtM has said. It took me about 5 minutes to get mine, and it’s free. It’s similar to getting the free HIP permit for migratory birds. Kinda of a hassle to remember every year if you have a lifetime license, but it’s not that big of deal either.
I applied for a night hunting permit a long time ago, and was denied because the OKDOW claimed that because my land isn't being actively farmed, there wasn't a financial damage that would justify the nuisance aspect.

I guess nothing has changed then. Fucking stupid.

They're a goddamn pest that need to be eradicated, game guides and operators be damned. It's not a game animal, its an invasive species that is out of control.
Is there a law against shooting armadillos at night with a light without a permit? If so then I'm in deep kimche.
Absolutely right on all counts, except now there is no requirement for active farming, list the land tell them if you are the land owner, and you get an almost instant permit/ exception... whatever. It's FREE, IT DON'T COST NOTHING TO TRY! Trust me, it used to be very difficult, had to meet with the game warden, he had to see damage blah, blah, blah! Now none of that happens. List it, agent/ owner it, get permit, get night vision and get to work!