I don't hunt very often at night for hogs or coyotes. Right now I usually only go during the second quarter of the moon so I have good moonlight for my traditional scopes and binos. This is OK, but not ideal. A thermal would not only improve my seeing under those conditions, but allow me to go on nights with less moonlight to count on. I really don't want to invest lots of $$$ on something that won't get used that often. Right now Optics Planet has a good deal on their entry level ATM Thor @ about $700. An ATM QR mount would add another $100. For a couple hundred more I could get the Rattler V2 25-256 which already has a mount. If I'm going to spend 800, I might as well move up to the Rattler. The videos I have watched make it look like it's well worth the extra, but the Thor looks servicable. If there is something else out there or any of you have had good or bad experiences with either of these two scopes, I would appreciate the feedback.
Secondly, the only rifle available to me to put this scope on is a DD ISR in 300BO. It currently is the only rifle that has a QR mount (M4 red dot) so switching it out would be easy. All others have permanent mounted scopes. If you have used the 300BO on hogs, I would like to hear how pleased you are with it's performance. Shots will be within 200m.
Secondly, the only rifle available to me to put this scope on is a DD ISR in 300BO. It currently is the only rifle that has a QR mount (M4 red dot) so switching it out would be easy. All others have permanent mounted scopes. If you have used the 300BO on hogs, I would like to hear how pleased you are with it's performance. Shots will be within 200m.