So how many practice shooting with your "weak" eye? This is sorely overlooked in most practice and very few instructors even think of it. If your dominant eye is incapacitated either from debris or injury, can you still aim? Best to find out before you really need it. Most folks can do it to some level, but only after a bit of practice.
I was lucky in the fact I have no dominate eye. Nor does my brother, nor my son. When I switch hands/shoulders I have always used the eye the gun is in front of. Ie. Left shoulder/ hand, left eye. Right shoulder/ hand right eye. Jerry noticed that I did this and said I have Iguana vision
. Anyway in most all the classes I do, I have always made folks shoot off eye occasionally, and most, at first couldn't shoot fast or accurately merely do to the fact they didn't "know" what they were seeing. After a bit of practice, most could at least provide life support accuracy and speed. The question is how many practice this? I do quite regularly, and it has paid off a few times especially with rifle off the support side!
I was lucky in the fact I have no dominate eye. Nor does my brother, nor my son. When I switch hands/shoulders I have always used the eye the gun is in front of. Ie. Left shoulder/ hand, left eye. Right shoulder/ hand right eye. Jerry noticed that I did this and said I have Iguana vision