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Rifle snaps


Jan 14, 2024
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Previously posted under get off the bench, but I thought I'd make it a stand alone thread

Rifle snaps, as in snap shot! At 25 yards from either hi or low ready shoot 1 shot into a 5" circle time limit 1.5 seconds do it 5 times. Next at 50 yards do the same drill with a 10" circle. If your not shooting at 80% you need more practice. Teaches shouldering quickly and consistently, quick acquisition of sight picture, and good trigger control...... If you will notice most all these drills are on a 10" circle/A zone on an IPSC classic target.... Why? Well because on most game animals and or opponents, the area of a 10" circle is where all the stuff that makes them work is.
I’ve been wanting to shoot my new rifle (cz 527 carbine 7.62x39) and try some rifle snaps, so I called it a day early and went to the range. This is my first time shooting this gun, and my first time doing snaps. I don’t have a shot timer, so I videoed myself with my phone and looked at the exact time stamps to get my times (not perfect, but fairly close). and i just realized this drill did not include shooting at 100yds. the shortest distance i could shoot at wilshire gun rifle range is 35yds. so i shot at 35, 50 and 100 yards Here’s my results:

35 yards. 5/5 in the a zone. 1.58 average shot timeView attachment Photo Feb 09 2024, 3 05 35 PM.jpg

50 yards. 4/5 in the a zone, (one shot went almost directly thru a previous hole). 1.37 average shot timeView attachment Photo Feb 09 2024, 3 10 11 PM.jpg

100 yards. 1 in the a, 3 in the c, 1 in the d. i didnt go back and check my times cuz its a pain in the ass, but i felt like i was shooting at a very similar speed as my 35 and 50 yard snaps.View attachment Photo Feb 09 2024, 3 14 28 PM.jpg

100 yards, take 2. 2 in the a zone, 2 in the c. i either missed or shot thru a previous hole.View attachment Photo Feb 09 2024, 3 19 48 PM.jpg

this was alot of fun. i want to do it more and definitely could use the practice. the ROs wouldve shit a kitten if i tried the up/down or bounce drills, but im gonna give those a go too when i get a chance.
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not sure why those images attached weird. they were inserted normally on my end?
Nice job! Glad you liked it! These are not my drills but they are the ones we taught at GunSite. All them are great skill testers and I'd say your doing great!
Thank you, and Thanks for posting them! Do you have any more that would be acceptable at an indoor range?
Hmm, let me ponder that and I'll try to morph a few. I could see that a down up would raise an eyebrow or two!! 😁
What ranges allow movement and positional shooting? I ask because most ranges don’t allow much beyond a bench or static firing line, even most outdoor ranges
What ranges allow movement and positional shooting? I ask because most ranges don’t allow much beyond a bench or static firing line, even most outdoor ranges

My local range does. Mainly because it’s always dead and im the only one out there. Im my own RO.
OKC Gun club does, although the High Power, and Shiloette guys didn't like it at first, but they accept it now. As long as your safe and watch you muzzle control it's all good, and on the action pistol side I think it's mandatory😁