I agree with about 70% of what Pat Mac says, especially about "stance". Don't agree with "clam shell" and "tilting support hand". I find it funny when folks use terms wrong or don't quite grasp the meaning of the words they try to use, but in general good stuff!
As for trigger finger placement, or control. Both are trying to make a point, but kind of drop the ball on it. Both have large hands, so for them wrapping around works, but not all can. Trigger finger placement is where ever you can press the trigger straight to the rear of the pistol with no side to side movement. It is a very bad idea to drag your finger on the frame of the pistol a la wrap around, and it will show up quickly if you start shooting fast. Sure get rid of the gap if that works for your hand size, but both forget to say don't drag the frame. I don't like his "presentation" as he demos it as his hands meet way to late, and says to build the grip as it goes toward the target. That should have been done when hands first meet and he is late with his support hand, but I didn't watch his lesson on it, it is just what I saw from his two demos posted.