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I Learned Something About Weight Loss

OK Corgi Rancher

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I'm not a total fat ass, but I need to drop about 25 lbs. I want to drop a little more than that...maybe 35 lbs. I was doing great 3 years ago when I got married. But I married a southern girl who knows how to cook really good, southern comfort foods. Nothing but carbs, it seems like. So, because I'm older and lack enough self-discipline, I've allowed myself to gain 25 lbs since we married.

So I got serious about losing a little weight while she was in TX visiting her daughter for about 10 days. I'm about 2.5 weeks into it and it's been slow going. The first week or so went great and I quickly lost 10 lbs just altering my diet and cutting out most carbs and all junk. But then I hit a wall. I was really limiting my calories...probably too much...and walking 1.5 to 2 miles per day. Over about the next 5 days I didn't lose weight and actually gained slightly a day or two.

Turns out...and I didn't know this...you can consume too few calories. I don't mean like starving from actual lack of food...but you have to eat a certain amount just to maintain bodily functions. Apparently I cut too far back. I read how your body almost immediately recognizes "starvation" and starts to store calories and slows your metabolism = no weight loss or even weight gain. I increased my calorie intake again, focusing more on protein, and started losing again. I haven't been shy about eating this time and I'm dropping a solid 1/2 lb a day.

I'm sure everyone knew about this but me. But I just thought I'd mention it in case someone is unaware like I was and trying too hard to drop a few pounds.
Actually not eating and fasting makes your body go into ketosis and uses its fat storage. If you don’t have fat storage then you actually do starve.

If you eat something, anything at all, your body isn’t going to go into some “starvation” mode because it wasn’t as much as it normally gets. It knows you ate something but what you ate probably just made you retain water or you just “leveled out”

Focusing more on protein and fat absolutely will make you lose weight though. Carbs makes you hold water and your body burns them for energy instead of fat.
I understand about ketosis and use keto diet plans as just a general guide. But what I read...from numerous sources...is restricting calories too much (I used 1000 calories/day in my search) for your body to maintain normal, every day functions (NEAT: non-exercise activity thermogenesis) can actually cause weight gain. Once the body senses it's not getting enough calories it starts to store calories and use those for energy instead of stored fat. Many sources called that "starvation" or "survival" mode. You're not really starving, your body just thinks so. I'm not making that up. It's apparently a real thing.

A Slower Metabolic Rate​

Eating too few calories can cause your metabolic rate to slow down, meaning you may gain weight more easily. Your body requires energy when you walk, work out, think, breathe, just about everything else!

When you deprive your body of the fuel it needs, it will begin to store food and enter a sort of “survival mode.” So even when you exercise, your body will protect the fat that it has stored, and you may not be able to lose the weight you want to lose.

Eventually the body will start to use lean body mass for fuel.

I've been eating very few carbs (shooting for under 50 day) and almost no sugar aside from naturally occurring sugar in the foods I'm eating. So I'm pretty sure it's not liquid retention.
i think for sure the other factor is different body types. @OK Corgi Rancher you are definitely not a chubby body type like me lol. If I cut out carbs completely and do carnivore I feel amazing and I’ll consistently lose weight until a . . . .carbohydrate tempts me beyond what I can handle. My wife is the opposite. She can process carbs/sugars but fats tear up her stomach and she doesn’t process them well.
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I've been on a keto pull again for about 4 1/2 weeks now, down 22lbs as of this morning. My pattern is about 8bls the first week, mostly water I'm sure, then 2-4 lbs per week afterward. I personally think that on 'normal' diets you can definitely slow your progress by eating too few calories. In my experience that's less of a problem on keto. If you're in ketosis your body is burning fat for energy, so if you eat at a significant deficit I think you're still burning excess fat and losing weight. At least that's been my experience. I'm not eating nearly enough calories to support my weight right now and I'm still generally losing that 2-4lbs a week. I eat in an 8 hour window and I'm not ever really hungry. I'm going to stay on it for another week or two and then start rolling in some carbs so I can get back on the bike. I just don't have the energy for much exercise on keto.

I've found too that just changing something for a couple days, eating more or less for a few days, can break those plateaus. And most diet people would probably consider a plateau more like a month or two of flatlining. But I'm not that patient either.

And another thing, this shit in your 50s sucks vs in 30s. I've gained 30ish lbs at various times in life and it seemed like I used to be able to skip desert and 2 weeks later I was back to weight. Now, there's more effort required for sure.

It would definitely be tougher with someone home cooking southern food all the time. I'm 'blessed' with not having that problem.

What's amazing to me is how much better I feel just losing 30 lbs. Knees, back, everything. It makes me think about if someone is carrying 100+ lbs. Imagine how much better they'd feel without that weight. Would feel like superman.

Also, fyi, the sight of an egg makes me want to vomit right now.
I've been on a keto pull again for about 4 1/2 weeks now, down 22lbs as of this morning. My pattern is about 8bls the first week, mostly water I'm sure, then 2-4 lbs per week afterward. I personally think that on 'normal' diets you can definitely slow your progress by eating too few calories. In my experience that's less of a problem on keto. If you're in ketosis your body is burning fat for energy, so if you eat at a significant deficit I think you're still burning excess fat and losing weight. At least that's been my experience. I'm not eating nearly enough calories to support my weight right now and I'm still generally losing that 2-4lbs a week. I eat in an 8 hour window and I'm not ever really hungry. I'm going to stay on it for another week or two and then start rolling in some carbs so I can get back on the bike. I just don't have the energy for much exercise on keto.

I've found too that just changing something for a couple days, eating more or less for a few days, can break those plateaus. And most diet people would probably consider a plateau more like a month or two of flatlining. But I'm not that patient either.

And another thing, this shit in your 50s sucks vs in 30s. I've gained 30ish lbs at various times in life and it seemed like I used to be able to skip desert and 2 weeks later I was back to weight. Now, there's more effort required for sure.

It would definitely be tougher with someone home cooking southern food all the time. I'm 'blessed' with not having that problem.

What's amazing to me is how much better I feel just losing 30 lbs. Knees, back, everything. It makes me think about if someone is carrying 100+ lbs. Imagine how much better they'd feel without that weight. Would feel like superman.

Also, fyi, the sight of an egg makes me want to vomit right now.

Like these kind of eggs?

Fortunately, I like eggs. Funny how they've gone from being perfectly fine, to the devil, now they're pretty much a super-food. Gonna go make an omelet now.
Fortunately, I like eggs. Funny how they've gone from being perfectly fine, to the devil, now they're pretty much a super-food. Gonna go make an omelet now.
Yeah I used to like them too. I've been eating them as at least part of a meal 2x a day for the last 4 1/2 weeks, so to say I'm tired of them is a gross understatement. Hopefully my taster will reset after I get clear of this stretch.
I find if I put enough onion, grilled chicken, green chiles and hot sauce in the omelet, and finish the omelet on a bed of toasted Carolina Reaper cheese, I can't even taste the eggs.

BTW... Found this at Walmart a week or so ago. If you don't have some of this, shame on you:
