Let’s start with the basics.
The basics for an accurate rifle will start with a barreled action that's accurate. It doesn't matter who or what company makes the barrel or action or who puts it together as long as the combo maintains a level of accuracy the user requires. That's not just a 3-5 round group at 100yds/m, but throughout the range the shooter will engage targets.
I shot several of the IBA DARPA guns way back on Bragg. Norm Chandler and his kid brought them out. They were cool. You know what was amazing about them? Nothing, they shot the same as our M24, and our MK13. But all those are extremely accurate guns. Because of their accurate barreled actions.
A solid stock and good trigger group Is the basic foundation for an accurate rifle.
I disagree. A stock and trigger have less to do with the foundation of an accurate rifle than the barrel and action, and the sighting system and ammo; they are def not the foundation. The flimsy plastic stock and 8 pound trigger comment is a little hyperbolic too.
Rifle accuracy is relative. Each person has different requirements for their accuracy in a rifle. Determine what you want the rifle to do, what the range/distance is you're doing it, and how well you want it to do the thing. Everyone is going to be different.
If a guy only shoots a few hundred yards ever, he probably will never need a blueprinted PSR rifle and a $3000 scope. He's probably good with a ruger or splurge on a Tikka and a $400 Leupold and end up extremely happy.
If he's a competitive shooter, he's going to build that expensive rifle for his discipline and get the appropriate scope. Maybe he's just getting into it and wants to keep it within a certain budget, so he's going to look at different components.
Maybe he just wants to have a cloner M24 or M110 and shoot 800m all day every day, so he'll buy or build to that standard.
The common thing with all these is the barreled action is as accurate as they need to be. They all have different triggers, different stocks, and sights, and ammo. I have a Winchester M70 Deluxe in 30-06, super extra FUDD gun. It's so FUDD, that OSA people feel it when I go hunt with it. It came with the recoil lug epoxy bedded. The only thing I did to that rifle was float the barrel. With my loads, it shoots about .7-.9 MOA groups (not inches). so subMOA. I've taken that rifle to west TX and shot iron maidens out to 1200m. I would call it accurate, but it's just a stock rifle that has a good accurate barreled action. I actually changed the trigger on it once for some fancy bullshit, and it did Zero to improve the rifle's accuracy. So I returned it and got my money back. Stocks and Triggers, while required, are more of accessories than anything else. Little improvements like floating the barrel, bedding the action, and have a trigger that's about 5 lbs or less helps, but not as much as having a good barreled action.