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Would you buy a Benchmade on EBay?

I've no dog in the fight, but they do have a long history of donating to antigun candidates. I dont buy benchmade as i dont think they're very good knives, so it REALLY doesn't effect me either way, just providing info
Legislators who make sure they get money and tax breaks. They’re all Oregon and they’re all from employees. That’s like the BRCC donates to democrats argument.
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Legislators who make sure they get money and tax breaks. They’re all Oregon and they’re all from employees. That’s like the BRCC donates to democrats argument.
BRCC are cross dressing sissy's.
I have my issues with them based on what Josh Smith from MKC has said about his interactions with them, but I think calling them anti-2A isn’t fair or accurate. I don’t recall the exact wording of Benchmade’s explanation at the time, but I do recall it as being reasonable and satisfactory, and most definitely not anti-2A.
You are free to feel that way. Just as I can have my own opinion about them.

I've no dog in the fight, but they do have a long history of donating to antigun candidates. I dont buy benchmade as i dont think they're very good knives, so it REALLY doesn't effect me either way, just providing info
Well, if it doesn’t matter to you, then why post a strawman? Just providing some info? LOL ok.

Strawman arguments are an excellent tool and highly effective on those who are weak-willed and dull of mind. Not so much on people that can think, have discernment, and the ability to see the forest even for the trees.

Now, based solely on your link and this comment, "but they do have a long history of donating to antigun candidates", that demonstrates just how anti-2a Benchmade is, they last donated to the congressman of their district in 2018. Those numbers are usually in a five year window so we can expect to see the next donation in 2019. If you look further, you see that these are all dems + 1 R in their AO.
What really burns your strawman to the ground is there are no donations to national candidates or parties. Nothing the the DNC, nothing to MADD or any other anti-2A organization, nothing to outside federal congressmen or senators, nothing to presidential candidates in the 45 donations listed.

However, if one has an agenda, one can make enough of an argument and show enough info (but never all the info) that the feeble-brained will jump on board and squawk and shit til the end of time. Most people are too lazy to attempt comprehension. That’s why the Flat-Earthers can get so many tools to believe them, it takes one to splat in the desert in his homemade rocket to figure out it’s bullshit.

What this looks like and probably is, is a PAC organized by Benchmade. Most every company that does business with the GOV will have a PAC with which to lobby their congressmen and senators, governors, state legistaors, etc. The larger the company, like L3Harris or Lockheed, that have business in multiple states, the larger the PACs that have multiple state access in congress. Poor ole Benchmade isn’t big enough to reach outside the state of Oregon (not pronounced “OrEEEGone” unless you’re you’re a yankee or from the east to include eastern OK) so they are stuck with what they got.
It's disingenuous to say they only donate to anti-2A when all they have for gov officials, are the same libs that @Old Noob probably voted for at one time. That probably why he's mad and popping off like he's on OSA with absolutely ZERO anything backing it up.

Should they move? Maybe. Would they? Probably not, it’s still family owned and they probably wanna stick around. They haven’t been threatened with shut down like gun companies so what’s to make them get out? Some Okies (new and old) from a gun forum in Oklahoma that knows best? Lol

I’ll address good or not later, back to work.
@Old Noob you're turning into Brocephus or Mouthpiece man. Don't do it. Take a knee, face out, drink water

If this thread doesn’t self implode within the next 5 days or so, I’ll post a pic of the Benchmade that I just bought on EBay. You guys can can critique it, and let me know if I got screwed. If you want to bash me for supporting an anti-2A cross dressing sissified asshole business, I can take it.
If this thread doesn’t self implode within the next 5 days or so, I’ll post a pic of the Benchmade that I just bought on EBay. You guys can can critique it, and let me know if I got screwed. If you want to bash me for supporting an anti-2A cross dressing sissified asshole business, I can take it.
I'm happy someone here can take it.
Well, if it doesn’t matter to you, then why post a strawman? Just providing some info? LOL ok.

Strawman arguments are an excellent tool and highly effective on those who are weak-willed and dull of mind. Not so much on people that can think, have discernment, and the ability to see the forest even for the trees.

Now, based solely on your link and this comment, "but they do have a long history of donating to antigun candidates", that demonstrates just how anti-2a Benchmade is, they last donated to the congressman of their district in 2018. Those numbers are usually in a five year window so we can expect to see the next donation in 2019. If you look further, you see that these are all dems + 1 R in their AO.
What really burns your strawman to the ground is there are no donations to national candidates or parties. Nothing the the DNC, nothing to MADD or any other anti-2A organization, nothing to outside federal congressmen or senators, nothing to presidential candidates in the 45 donations listed.

However, if one has an agenda, one can make enough of an argument and show enough info (but never all the info) that the feeble-brained will jump on board and squawk and shit til the end of time. Most people are too lazy to attempt comprehension. That’s why the Flat-Earthers can get so many tools to believe them, it takes one to splat in the desert in his homemade rocket to figure out it’s bullshit.

What this looks like and probably is, is a PAC organized by Benchmade. Most every company that does business with the GOV will have a PAC with which to lobby their congressmen and senators, governors, state legistaors, etc. The larger the company, like L3Harris or Lockheed, that have business in multiple states, the larger the PACs that have multiple state access in congress. Poor ole Benchmade isn’t big enough to reach outside the state of Oregon (not pronounced “OrEEEGone” unless you’re you’re a yankee or from the east to include eastern OK) so they are stuck with what they got.
It's disingenuous to say they only donate to anti-2A when all they have for gov officials, are the same libs that @Old Noob probably voted for at one time. That probably why he's mad and popping off like he's on OSA with absolutely ZERO anything backing it up.

Should they move? Maybe. Would they? Probably not, it’s still family owned and they probably wanna stick around. They haven’t been threatened with shut down like gun companies so what’s to make them get out? Some Okies (new and old) from a gun forum in Oklahoma that knows best? Lol

I’ll address good or not later, back to work.
Again.. i genuinely do not care.
You cared enough to post, lol
You cared enough to post, lol
Let me rephrase, since we are going to be pedantic.. your opinion on the matter means nothing to me. I provided facts. What you do with said facts, or how you intend to interpret them, or your thoughts on my "motive" for posting them, is entirely irrelevant. Its words on a screen, no more, no less.
Let me rephrase, since we are going to be pedantic.. your opinion on the matter means nothing to me. I provided facts. What you do with said facts, or how you intend to interpret them, or your thoughts on my "motive" for posting them, is entirely irrelevant. Its words on a screen, no more, no less.
Lol, condescension, my favorite. You didn't comment on my opinion. You commented on Benchmade knives and stated an opinion with a link and zero context, which is not facts. Disingenuous at best, bullshit at worst. Whatever your motive may be.

Here's being a real pedant for you:
I dont buy benchmade as i dont think they're very good knives, so it REALLY doesn't effect me either way, just providing info
Lol, this is funny. It apparently affected you enough to make you take a shit in here.

How bout them apples? lol

Dropping in to take a shit in a thread and dismissing yourself with impunity is what the homos in OSA do.
It’s been a busy few days, and my old ass is pretty much worn out when I come dragging through the door. With that being said, the knife showed up a couple days ago. I’ll get some pics posted in the next day or so. I’m pretty sure that it’s legitimate because it took a small chunk out of my finger when I was messing around with it thinking that I was a badass operator.