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Yall want a men’s health section?

But really, that's impressive. Congrats!

I haven’t even started exercising yet. Just eating carnivore and I don’t drink soda. Only thing I may drink that’s not water is unsweet ice tea or a drink with electrolytes like Propel or Powerade Zero.
I like sparkling Ice waters along with walmart brand flavored waters. Zero sugar.
I’m really hoping you’ve taken this carnivore thing to the extreme and your day/week experience includes shitting out tons of hair like a coyote.
So what does a day/week of carnivore look like to you?

I usually do one meal a day. I’m just not hungry anymore so I usually just eat dinner. When I do eat I prefer a ribeye or a New York strip but will settle for some ground beef and eggs or make a burger patty and a slice of cheddar cheese. Instead of steak to cheapen it up some I’ll eat about 4-5 pork chops instead or a rack of baby back ribs. Sounds like an expensive diet but it’s really not when I’m not buying all the other shit that people on an American diet eat like junk food or people that eat fruits and vegetables. All of my money can go towards meat. Of course beef i am looking at like $10-$15 per meal if I only eat one steak. Pork I’m looking at like $6-$10 a meal if I eat a pack of pork chops or a rack of ribs. I did lamb at the beginning and enjoyed it but it was expensive and I think I got some bad lamb last time so it ruined me on it. I know something was wrong with it when the alley cats didn’t touch it for 3 days when I threw it out in the backyard.

If I need stuff to snack on I make my own beef jerky. Beef jerky at the store has lots of sugar. Even my next county over world famous No Man’s Land beef jerky has sugar. I’ll sometimes eat cheese too. It’s an animal product so it works for the carnivore diet.

On weekends is when things change a little bit. I really enjoy cooking bacon and eggs on my Blackstone so on the weekends I seem to eat more but I have sort of gotten in a routine of fasting at least 24hrs on Monday. So if I last eat at 5pm Sunday evening I don’t eat again till after 5pm on Monday.

Every other week or every third week I do a 48hr fast. It Really seems to help my body go into Ketosis hardcore and burn my fat as energy. Eventually I want to do a 72 hour fast once a month.

Some people may find this stupid and they may say “ain’t no way I could do that. I love my carbs to much”… well I think those people are a tad lazy and can’t get away from eating for pleasure. Humans were meant to eat for sustenance in my opinion and we certainly weren’t meant to eat everyday or at least not 3 times a day.

I’m hoping to start running soon. I imagine my weight will drop off even faster.
I’m really hoping you’ve taken this carnivore thing to the extreme and your day/week experience includes shitting out tons of hair like a coyote.

I don’t have a hairy body and I don’t clean myself with my tongue so I think I’ll be clear of shitting out hair. I also don’t eat the hide of the animals I eat.

Speaking of shitting though… on the carnivore diet you only poop about once every two days.
I’m down to coffee and water, occasional unsweet tea. I’m sticking with the gummy bears though ‘cause they’re shaped like animals.
I usually do one meal a day. I’m just not hungry anymore so I usually just eat dinner. When I do eat I prefer a ribeye or a New York strip but will settle for some ground beef and eggs or make a burger patty and a slice of cheddar cheese. Instead of steak to cheapen it up some I’ll eat about 4-5 pork chops instead or a rack of baby back ribs. Sounds like an expensive diet but it’s really not when I’m not buying all the other shit that people on an American diet eat like junk food or people that eat fruits and vegetables. All of my money can go towards meat. Of course beef i am looking at like $10-$15 per meal if I only eat one steak. Pork I’m looking at like $6-$10 a meal if I eat a pack of pork chops or a rack of ribs. I did lamb at the beginning and enjoyed it but it was expensive and I think I got some bad lamb last time so it ruined me on it. I know something was wrong with it when the alley cats didn’t touch it for 3 days when I threw it out in the backyard.

If I need stuff to snack on I make my own beef jerky. Beef jerky at the store has lots of sugar. Even my next county over world famous No Man’s Land beef jerky has sugar. I’ll sometimes eat cheese too. It’s an animal product so it works for the carnivore diet.

On weekends is when things change a little bit. I really enjoy cooking bacon and eggs on my Blackstone so on the weekends I seem to eat more but I have sort of gotten in a routine of fasting at least 24hrs on Monday. So if I last eat at 5pm Sunday evening I don’t eat again till after 5pm on Monday.

Every other week or every third week I do a 48hr fast. It Really seems to help my body go into Ketosis hardcore and burn my fat as energy. Eventually I want to do a 72 hour fast once a month.

Some people may find this stupid and they may say “ain’t no way I could do that. I love my carbs to much”… well I think those people are a tad lazy and can’t get away from eating for pleasure. Humans were meant to eat for sustenance in my opinion and we certainly weren’t meant to eat everyday or at least not 3 times a day.

I’m hoping to start running soon. I imagine my weight will drop off even faster.
Have you been to the doctor since or any blood work done? I’m curious about how your cholesterol, blood lipids, blood sugar, and testosterone levels look.
How do you feel about the diet overall? Your mood, energy levels, do you feel like your results will be long lasting, even after quitting the diet? Or do you feel like you’ll just gain it back once you go back to a normal, reasonably healthy diet and exercise?

I’m kinda desperate to make some changes, all the weight loss stuff I did in my 20s doesn’t seem to work all that well now.
Have you been to the doctor since or any blood work done? I’m curious about how your cholesterol, blood lipids, blood sugar, and testosterone levels look.
How do you feel about the diet overall? Your mood, energy levels, do you feel like your results will be long lasting, even after quitting the diet? Or do you feel like you’ll just gain it back once you go back to a normal, reasonably healthy diet and exercise?

I’m kinda desperate to make some changes, all the weight loss stuff I did in my 20s doesn’t seem to work all that well now.

I wish I would have got blood work done before starting this. I may go get some done soon just to see how I am on all that stuff.

My mood is better. I haven’t been near as bad with seasonal depression like I have been in the past. Energy is through the roof. I don’t get brain fog like I did before.

As far as gaining it back after I quit? I don’t have any intentions of quitting. I think this is a life change. I don’t want to go back to the “standard American diet.” The food pyramid is a fucking lie and there’s a reason the big argument now is meat is bad for us and it’s because they realize the health benefits of just eating meat and won’t be able to put us all on pharmaceuticals to keep us alive and weak. If you have any other questions you’re welcome to text me! I’ll answer all questions I can.
I wish I would have got blood work done before starting this. I may go get some done soon just to see how I am on all that stuff.

My mood is better. I haven’t been near as bad with seasonal depression like I have been in the past. Energy is through the roof. I don’t get brain fog like I did before.

As far as gaining it back after I quit? I don’t have any intentions of quitting. I think this is a life change. I don’t want to go back to the “standard American diet.” The food pyramid is a fucking lie and there’s a reason the big argument now is meat is bad for us and it’s because they realize the health benefits of just eating meat and won’t be able to put us all on pharmaceuticals to keep us alive and weak. If you have any other questions you’re welcome to text me! I’ll answer all questions I can.
What about checking ketones? When I'm on keto I use the blood strips and a little tester like diabetics used in the old days. If I get too much protein it will drop ketones and can actually push me out of ketosis. I'm just curious what your ketone look like since everything you eat is high protein.

My only dig on keto is that for me, I can't get do a lot of physical activity without gassing. I don't think I could do it if I had a physical job or was doing any significant exercise while on it. But just walking around daily life I felt great.

Also, on keto, my cholesterol numbers went up a little. Both good and bad, so ratio stayed about the same.
What about checking ketones? When I'm on keto I use the blood strips and a little tester like diabetics used in the old days. If I get too much protein it will drop ketones and can actually push me out of ketosis. I'm just curious what your ketone look like since everything you eat is high protein.

My only dig on keto is that for me, I can't get do a lot of physical activity without gassing. I don't think I could do it if I had a physical job or was doing any significant exercise while on it. But just walking around daily life I felt great.

Also, on keto, my cholesterol numbers went up a little. Both good and bad, so ratio stayed about the same.

I don’t believe I have a problem not getting into ketosis. Your body adjusts when you’re getting a diet of only protein and no carbs.

I think I read somewhere high cholesterol has nothing to do with your heart either. I’ll see if I can find the link.
Have you been to the doctor since or any blood work done? I’m curious about how your cholesterol, blood lipids, blood sugar, and testosterone levels look.
How do you feel about the diet overall? Your mood, energy levels, do you feel like your results will be long lasting, even after quitting the diet? Or do you feel like you’ll just gain it back once you go back to a normal, reasonably healthy diet and exercise?

I’m kinda desperate to make some changes, all the weight loss stuff I did in my 20s doesn’t seem to work all that well now.
Dr Shawn baker’s first appearance on JRE he covered that stuff and it was fascinating. Should check it out if you haven’t. He’s been carnivore for 8 years now and he’s looks amazing
What about checking ketones? When I'm on keto I use the blood strips and a little tester like diabetics used in the old days. If I get too much protein it will drop ketones and can actually push me out of ketosis. I'm just curious what your ketone look like since everything you eat is high protein.

My only dig on keto is that for me, I can't get do a lot of physical activity without gassing. I don't think I could do it if I had a physical job or was doing any significant exercise while on it. But just walking around daily life I felt great.

Also, on keto, my cholesterol numbers went up a little. Both good and bad, so ratio stayed about the same.

I wouldn't worry about not needing to be active. I've gone from running around like a one-armed paperhanger before that tree took me out. Now I can't walk from the front door of Sam's to the produce section without something to lean on.

I had a couple of false starts (caved to the carb cravings but even with that I've lost about 50 pounds in the last 4 months. Only exercise is cleaning house and taking care of the critters.

Now that I'm past the cravings and my appetite has leveled off, I'm averaging a pound a day of weight loss. I know but it's the truth. I posted in another thread what/how I was eating -- in the Food thread I think.

I haven't fasted any longer than 72 hours but now with OMAD I seem to be getting better results without getting weak. Which is a problem for me if I don't eat once a day. I dunno what the deal is with that.

I'm set to start PT the first week of February and am kinda excited. I know, I'm a weirdo. But I've lost so much strength and probably some muscle mass that I cannot hold my gun up to fire it at the range without a significant degree of effort. I swear it feels like it weighs 50 pounds.
I wouldn't worry about not needing to be active. I've gone from running around like a one-armed paperhanger before that tree took me out. Now I can't walk from the front door of Sam's to the produce section without something to lean on.

I had a couple of false starts (caved to the carb cravings but even with that I've lost about 50 pounds in the last 4 months. Only exercise is cleaning house and taking care of the critters.

Now that I'm past the cravings and my appetite has leveled off, I'm averaging a pound a day of weight loss. I know but it's the truth. I posted in another thread what/how I was eating -- in the Food thread I think.

I haven't fasted any longer than 72 hours but now with OMAD I seem to be getting better results without getting weak. Which is a problem for me if I don't eat once a day. I dunno what the deal is with that.

I'm set to start PT the first week of February and am kinda excited. I know, I'm a weirdo. But I've lost so much strength and probably some muscle mass that I cannot hold my gun up to fire it at the range without a significant degree of effort. I swear it feels like it weighs 50 pounds.

You’re losing a pound a day because your body is starving.
You’re losing a pound a day because your body is starving.

Well I have some other things going on, it's true, but until my doctors stop gaslighting me, there's not much I can do about that. I'll go see someone at the end of this month (when I've lost a significant amount of weight) and see if they pay attention to me then.

But as God is my witness if one more doctor says to me "Well just eat smaller bites" or "There's no way. People aren't allergic to that." y'all are gonna see me at the top of the Integris parking garage on the 6 o'clock news holding a bloody, severed head by the hair.
Well I have some other things going on, it's true, but until my doctors stop gaslighting me, there's not much I can do about that. I'll go see someone at the end of this month (when I've lost a significant amount of weight) and see if they pay attention to me then.

But as God is my witness if one more doctor says to me "Well just eat smaller bites" or "There's no way. People aren't allergic to that." y'all are gonna see me at the top of the Integris parking garage on the 6 o'clock news holding a bloody, severed head by the hair.
I usually drop 1lb a day for 6-10 days when starting, but that's mostly water weight of course. Then it drops back to a more recommended pace.

I'd think you need to up the food intake if you are still dropping that quickly. Or, like you say you've got something else going on. Too quick to be healthy for sure.
I usually drop 1lb a day for 6-10 days when starting, but that's mostly water weight of course. Then it drops back to a more recommended pace.

I'd think you need to up the food intake if you are still dropping that quickly. Or, like you say you've got something else going on. Too quick to be healthy for sure.

No doubt. Here's the deal, at least my very uneducated guess anyway:

I have Eosinophilic Esophagitis and gastroparasis. I have learned that the EoE, for me anyway, is an allergic reaction. If it try to swallow anything I'm sensitive to my throat closes up and it just WILL. NOT. GO. DOWN. It sticks in my throat right below where your Adam's Apple is and that's it. I'm done. No amount of TRYING will unstick it. And off I run to the nearest bathroom.

I started the Lion Diet about a month ago and feel fine when I follow it. Every single thing I have tried to add back into my diet, with the exception of corn and avocado, has caused a reaction. I don't even try with processed stuff. We are talking whole, unprocessed foods here.

Next is the gastroparasis. My stomach doesn't empty normally. If I eat more than I have learned won't cause me to be miserable (it's much worse than after Thanksgiving lunch miserable) then I wind up sick for 3 or 4 days, or puking for the next 24-48 hours. And no, at that point, it doesn't matter if my stomach is empty after the first couple of go-rounds.

And you haven't lived until you've drug your pillow into the bathroom and just laid in the floor because the dry heaves will not stop. It doesn't matter how much Zofran I take (and I've taken as much as 24mg at a time every hour -- which is not good either).

My weight has fluctuated up and down for the last few years but according to the doctors it's "within normal limits" so apparently my previous diagnosis, and symptoms aren't relevant.

Looking back I believe the only reason I was not losing weight is I was living on processed shit that was high in calories. The stuff I gravitated to had no nutritional value but it made my stomach feel better, even if it aggravated my EoE. Doctors told me that meant my EoE was caused by seasonal allergies.

Between all that and my spinal fractures I was a damned hot mess. I feel better now than I have in 3 years. So ... I'm sticking with this for now and when/if I get under 120 (which is healthy for my height) then I'll see if I can figure out a way to put the skids on.

Also, I watch a lot of popular keto/carnivore doctors on YT (yes I know most of them are chiropractors) and where it has made sense to me I've started supplementation with this, that and the other.

Anyhow, I don't think I have an eating disorder. (If I start bragging about weighing 98 pounds soaking wet then please call me on it.) And I am having the doctor pull blood work when I go in Friday.

I said all that to say I'm trying to be as healthy about this as I can but some things with me are a moving target (no surprise, I've always been a hot mess) but I am keeping an eye on it. Thanks for the concern.