OK Ballistics - Thats D.O.P.E. - Oklahoma Gun Forum
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I dug out my youngest daughter’s 243 today and did a satterlee test with 95 grain SST’s and H 4350 this one caliber kicks my ass every time I try to find a load for it
It looks to me like 2900 FPS is where you want to stay close to but under. Pretty sharp spike once you cross over it, like it's maxing out and going wonky.
I'd load 5 at 40.5 and I bet you get a decent group.
I've never loaded for .243 with that light of a bullet before. That's smokin though!
It looks to me like 2900 FPS is where you want to stay close to but under. Pretty sharp spike once you cross over it, like it's maxing out and going wonky.
I'd load 5 at 40.5 and I bet you get a decent group.
I've never loaded for .243 with that light of a bullet before. That's smokin though!
It’s my daughter savage axis with the combo scope that came with it she didn’t decide to start hunting until she was 17 and I didn’t spend much money on it because I honestly figured the first deer she shot she would be upset and not want to go again but she killed a nice 10 point and was hooked every time I mention upgrading she throws a fit (she is 24 now) I’m using H4350 I found one decent load with accurate 4350 but I need to get some more sorry hell of a long answer for a simple question
It’s my daughter savage axis with the combo scope that came with it she didn’t decide to start hunting until she was 17 and I didn’t spend much money on it because I honestly figured the first deer she shot she would be upset and not want to go again but she killed a nice 10 point and was hooked every time I mention upgrading she throws a fit (she is 24 now) I’m using H4350 I found one decent load with accurate 4350 but I need to get some more sorry hell of a long answer for a simple question
Funny thing is. My daughter wanted a rifle and I got it for her. 6.5 CM savage scope combo in Muddy Girl. She still to this day has never shot it but she wants it. So it sets in the safe.