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Garage Gunsmithing - The 15 minute AR trigger Job

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You don’t read very well. I showed a AR trigger mod that has been used by 10s of thousands of shooter successfully but recommended using the Kaw spring kit and posted a link.
Even military NM armorers cutsprings on the 1911, such as the recoil spring if they used wadcutters. .i.e, Clark was a commercial builder that did.
PPC guns, S&W revolvers didn’t have the main spring cut, they were filed. FYI they are flat springs not coils. The rebound spring was almost always cut.
Cylinder and Slide was notorious for cutting springs. Wilson was known to have $10 an hour hands working on guns and they cut springs. It’s been done since the center fire guns have been around.
I don’t care how many world championships he has. Never said he wasn’t a great marksman, as an individual he couldn’t even train a Boy Scout troop when he substituted for me without pissing everybody off. I have several good friends that are world championships several times over and they don’t pprofess to know everything about everything.
As far as quality, what are your quals? I’ve been deep into manufacturing quality since the 90s, everything about 9001.
I know jigs are made to test the spring quality, the more per 100 units the higher the quality.
I think the JP spring kits are poor quality FROM EXPERIENCE.
You've spent your entire existence here trying to justify how awesome you are and how you don't GAF. But, you get all butthurt when you get called out for spewing unknowledgeable bullshit that could get somebody hurt. You wander all over the place explaining and use unverifiable anecdotes to establish your street creds but you're just kinda FOS. I really wanted to like you at first but you're kind of a menace to the shooting world with your expertise and advice on how to make a gun better because you trained yourself to be a gunsmif, or whatever you're calling yourself. I wouldn't let you within 10 feet of a firearm much less let you work on one or let you train a single soul. You know just enough to be dangerous and there is absolutely nothing I could ever learn from you other than what not to do.

I used the keyboard sniper's competition wins because that one of your metrics you use to verify your creds...how you know or do stuff with champions so your an expert. Guarantee keyboard sniper knows more about guns that you could want to.

You'd probably get better reception if you weren't such a dickhead but you pride yourself on being an utter fuckstick that blows a lot of hot air and doesn't know fuck all but you think you're relevant. From day one you've been shitting here including your intro post. Nothing you've ever stated here was worth a shit, and much of what you have stated has been debunked or is old ass Fudd mythical bullshit. Your antics are pathetic and irrelevant. Maybe you should go...
You've spent your entire existence here trying to justify how awesome you are and how you don't GAF. But, you get all butthurt when you get called out for spewing unknowledgeable bullshit that could get somebody hurt. You wander all over the place explaining and use unverifiable anecdotes to establish your street creds but you're just kinda FOS. I really wanted to like you at first but you're kind of a menace to the shooting world with your expertise and advice on how to make a gun better because you trained yourself to be a gunsmif, or whatever you're calling yourself. I wouldn't let you within 10 feet of a firearm much less let you work on one or let you train a single soul. You know just enough to be dangerous and there is absolutely nothing I could ever learn from you other than what not to do.

You'd probably get better reception if you weren't such a dickhead but you pride yourself on being an utter fuckstick that blows a lot of hot air and doesn't know fuck all but you think you're relevant. From day one you've been shitting here including your intro post. Nothing you've ever stated here was worth a shit, and much of what you have stated has been debunked or is old ass Fudd mythical bullshit. Your antics are pathetic and irrelevant.

In my experience I've noticed that people who can't quit citing their resume are usually people I don't want to be around, for a lot of the same reasons you've covered here.

Well done!
You've spent your entire existence here trying to justify how awesome you are and how you don't GAF. But, you get all butthurt when you get called out for spewing unknowledgeable bullshit that could get somebody hurt. You wander all over the place explaining and use unverifiable anecdotes to establish your street creds but you're just kinda FOS. I really wanted to like you at first but you're kind of a menace to the shooting world with your expertise and advice on how to make a gun better because you trained yourself to be a gunsmif, or whatever you're calling yourself. I wouldn't let you within 10 feet of a firearm much less let you work on one or let you train a single soul. You know just enough to be dangerous and there is absolutely nothing I could ever learn from you other than what not to do.

I used the keyboard sniper's competition wins because that one of your metrics you use to verify your creds...how you know or do stuff with champions so your an expert. Guarantee keyboard sniper knows more about guns that you could want to.

You'd probably get better reception if you weren't such a dickhead but you pride yourself on being an utter fuckstick that blows a lot of hot air and doesn't know fuck all but you think you're relevant. From day one you've been shitting here including your intro post. Nothing you've ever stated here was worth a shit, and much of what you have stated has been debunked or is old ass Fudd mythical bullshit. Your antics are pathetic and irrelevant. Maybe you should go...
And for the record, this @danc46 is NOT an insult. It's the less PC version of what I have been saying to you in this thread right after you created it. You keep shit posting nonsense and guys around here are calling you out on your fuddery.
And for the record, this @danc46 is NOT an insult. It's the less PC version of what I have been saying to you in this thread right after you created it. You keep shit posting nonsense and guys around here are calling you out on your fuddery.
Say what you want, it’s a free speech zone. Yes I’m a fudd, I own everything from single shots to ARs with thermal and/or night vision, from single actions to k frame smiths to 1911s, to Glocks and Sigs to Smith MP2s. I’m a full blown fudd!🤣
Feel free to help instruct WOT at TrCity or OKC next time they have one. Bring your knowledge and experience and help correct us old fudds with the AR
That is a serious invitatio. I have several LE and Iraq vets (Marines) help. You would certainly be welcome! So would others.
As far as keyboard sniper, it’s a a synonym for troll, when someone is baiting others.
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Your words, “I’m not going to buy their other product”

LOL, please tell all of us how we’re full of shit and you’re the be all, end all of what’s true.

Here’s your logic…. Premise, I had a JPE spring(s) that was a piece of shit…. Conclusion, all JPE products are a piece of shit. Feel free to substitute JPE with anything.

Here’s my logic. Premise, You’re an idiot. Conclusion. Anything that comes out of your mouth comes from an idiot.

Therefore, my premise is the same as yours yet only one of us is correct. And by your very words you prove my premise.

Based on your logic, you shouldn’t change anything on a weapon system. If a spring needs to be cut there is a problem, meaning, the whole system must be bad. Are you following, Am I going too fast for ya? People like you that use the broad brush method to disparage a product usually talk out your ass because your mouth knows better. Either that or you’re an idiot.
Say what you want, it’s a free speech zone. Yes I’m a fudd, I own everything from single shots to ARs with thermal and/or night vision, from single actions to k frame smiths to 1911s, to Glocks and Sigs to Smith MP2s. I’m a full blown fudd!🤣
Feel free to help instruct WOT at TrCity or OKC next time they have one. Bring your knowledge and experience and help correct us old fudds with the AR
That is a serious invitatio. I have several LE and Iraq vets (Marines) help. You would certainly be welcome! So would others.
As far as keyboard sniper, it’s a a synonym for troll, when someone is baiting others.
Big damn deal. You’re talking to a few Marines and a Green Berets here and we all have safes full of firearms from single shots, AR’s, pistols, revolvers and some have NV/thermal as well. Does that give us street creed?
Big damn deal. You’re talking to a few Marines and a Green Berets here and we all have safes full of firearms from single shots, AR’s, pistols, revolvers and some have NV/thermal as well. Does that give us street creed?
😂 You really want to know?🤣
Your words, “I’m not going to buy their other product”

LOL, please tell all of us how we’re full of shit and you’re the be all, end all of what’s true.

Here’s your logic…. Premise, I had a JPE spring(s) that was a piece of shit…. Conclusion, all JPE products are a piece of shit. Feel free to substitute JPE with anything.

Here’s my logic. Premise, You’re an idiot. Conclusion. Anything that comes out of your mouth comes from an idiot.

Therefore, my premise is the same as yours yet only one of us is correct. And by your very words you prove my premise.

Based on your logic, you shouldn’t change anything on a weapon system. If a spring needs to be cut there is a problem, meaning, the whole system must be bad. Are you following, Am I going too fast for ya? People like you that use the broad brush method to disparage a product usually talk out your ass because your mouth knows better. Either that or you’re an idiot.
There are other companies with just as good or better items at less money. But if you are brand loyal, cool. Spend your money where you want and I’ll do the same. Mine won’t be going to JP whatever.
I've got a bit of dental lab tech experience from way back when,

so I still got few of the little rubber buffer wheels used to buff "metal" crowns/bridges".

Slap one in dremel, pull fcg, real quick touchy buff to engaugement spots, replace with yellow springs back into lower and it's gtg. 3lb pull, crisp & smooth.
Wow, just a few things here.

First, it is Jim Clark... Not John Clark, Jim Clark, and Jim Clark Jr. Were friends of mine, but mainly Jim Clark Jr.

Second, I have never called your sexuality into question. You can re-read every single post we ever interacted in or on. Matter of fact, I have never even used curse words towards you. Go check.

Third, I have never done anything with the Boy Scouts, not here, not there, not anywhere, so there is no way I screwed up any training class given anywhere for them. You are confusing me with someone else. Which I am sure would be very easy as you seem to piss a lot of people off and that list would be hard to keep track of. Why do feel it necessary to LIE that I replaced you teaching a class? That has never happened. So we can now add LIAR to you long inglorious list of attributes.

Fourth, I have never claimed to be a snipper in real life nor pretend.

Fifth, if you do "run into me at the range", and decide to be like you say your going to be, you will find out I have several other skills of which I am very proficient which I have also won championships at, not just the 3 World Championships I won with firearms.

Sixth, I will continue to point out your lack of understanding on basic things when you get too far a field in your talking points.
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Wow, just a few things here.

First, it is Jim Clark... Not John Clark, Jim Clark, and Jim Clark Jr. Were friends of mine, but mainly Jim Clark Jr.

Second, I have never called your sexuality into question. You can re-read every single post we ever interacted in or on. Matter of fact, I have never even used curse words towards you. Go check.

Third, I have never done anything with the Boy Scouts, not here, not there, not anywhere, so there is no way I screwed up any training class given anywhere for them. You are confusing me with someone else. Which I am sure would be very easy as you seem to piss a lot of people off and that list would be hard to keep track of. Why do feel it necessary to LIE that I replaced you teaching a class? That has never happened. So we can now add LIAR to you long inglorious list of attributes.

Fourth, I have never claimed to be a snipper in real life nor pretend.

Fifth, if you do "run into me at the range", and decide to be like you say your going to be, you will find out I have several other skills of which I am very proficient which I have also won championships at, not just the 3 World Championships I won with firearms.

Sixth, I will continue to point out your lack of understanding on basic things when you get too far a field in your talking points.
I’m sure you edited the lube comment out you made earlier about me using Tetra for anal insertion, when you put up your world champion photo and said we could meet there.
As far as face to face discussion, we do need to meet!😎
Looking forward to it. I’m willing to explain to you how the bolt lock up affects barrel harmonics, from the first wave preceding the bullet down the barrel to the subsequent waves, how bolt lock up affects the harmonics like holding a tuning fork in different positions affects it’s tone.
You were so adamant about how harmonics started after the bullet left the barrel and the bolt had opened and closed.
But I must admit you were so assertive in your ignorance most here believed you.
Go ahead keep up the keyboard sniping, you’re excellent at it.
And yes you did fuck up teaching Scouts, everything from numbering target stands to pissing off instructors so badly both almost left, one did..
Is there another Kurt M***** at the gun club?
By the way, how is that S&W MP2 9mm working out for you? The one you picked up at Freedom Pawn?
To resolve our differences I propose a GROUP SHOOT.
I am a bit loath to turn my back on some of these “gentlemen” with a loaded gun in their hand, but WTF, I ain’t gonna live forever.
We could do it in the spring, have a mini swap meet, trade gear, sell gear, give stuff away to others that we don’t use and they may need.
Lexington Game Management Area has a public range, I’m sure everyone has the required hunting license to use the GMA.
This place is severely lagging in growth. This might help it out somei.

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