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Let's see your latest group 🎯

Very interesting. I think I’ll stick with the CM for now. Well when I get one. I have a 20” heavy fluted barrel in 6.5CM for my AR308 I could swap out
are you feeding them one by one? I didn’t understand if you were or you shortened them.
I'm jumping them almost .115" just to clear the mag box and get them to feed. Being it's a hunting rig, I want to mag feed
All I see is a sound bar. Prolly have to DL it.
The video doesn’t work for me. The length of it shows 00:00.
What were you shooting at?
6" plates
Ok, what range, which side, etc. Can't see anything in the video other than some berms with lane markers.

Still can't see anything unless it's on the phone. I had to DL it for my comp. This must be a phone video
500/546 Meters/yards. It's the center plate at the furthest berm.

Shitty phone video doesn't show much