We all come across like that if we're being sarcastic and having a good time. Humor doesn't translate in writing on the internet; you'll have to imagine. Why do you think some people get so wound up when you or I say something silly? Same thing.I had a heavily carried police Kimber TLE/RL II that I had cerakoted by an actual cerakote applicator, not some kitchen table gunsmith, I’m happy with it and They didn’t coat the barrel. Pistol Functions flawlessly after being coated. My Ruger Wrangler is cerakoted from the factory and it’s fine. Aren’t the Sig Legions cerakoted?
As far as KurtM goes though you are becoming pretty fucking annoying after this thread. I’m open for discussing shit but you sound arrogant to me after this little thread.
What the fuck are 5.11?