I’m thinking about going to an expander mandrel setup and pulling the expander ball and decapper out of my Forster full length sizing die. I’ve read and listened to info until I’m pretty convinced it’s the right idea. I’m thinking I will go with a mandrel 2 thou under bullet diameter for now and then I can add a different mandrel diameter at a later date if I deem it’s necessary or something I want to mess with. So I’m pretty set in stone on doing exactly what I’ve mentioned. My question for you guys is……..Any of y’all use an expander Mandrel? Who’s die and mandrel do you use? I’m currently considering the die and mandrel from 21st century or the die and mandrel from Cortina. The Cortina die does work the bottom portion of the brass that a regular sizing die doesn’t. I can see pros and cons to that. Anyhow……what kinda input have y’all?