The last ex was born and raised around Clayton, NM. Her grand parents lived there until they passed and a couple of uncles & aunts live there still. They had several thousand acres up north of town across and around Rabbit Ears. One of the aunts taught in Felt.
I told you that story so I could tell you this one, I've driven thru Felt more times than I care to remember. Ain't a hellofalot there. I never saw much except pronghorn west of Boise City. Well, geese and cranes by the 1000's at about flight level 25, but mostly the goats. I never saw any chickens in the bar ditches, but I also never bird hunted out there. Just the goats. Pretty damn desolate out there. Good place to drive thru at night.
Grand dad didn't have any birds on him at all, but it was a long way to the closest crop field. He had the pronghorn and a small herd of elk that would winter there by the cattle pens. Oh, and porcupine. Saw a few porcupines down in the canyon, but we always gave them a pretty wide birth.