That is not how an M-14 gas cut off spindle works.... AT All..... So, like I said you've told me all I need to know. But I will tell ya this, I will post in your threads when I see you giving bad, or misguided advice, just so folks can have a second opinion! 
Third hole??? In an AK???

"(changing compression speed changes spring expansion speed)"
So if I took all day to compress a spring, it would take a long time for it to spring back????

Can you say Spring Constant? Sure you can, (said in my best Fred Rogers voice!)

Third hole??? In an AK???

"(changing compression speed changes spring expansion speed)"
So if I took all day to compress a spring, it would take a long time for it to spring back????

Can you say Spring Constant? Sure you can, (said in my best Fred Rogers voice!)
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