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What press do you use and why?

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I have several presses that I purchased and inherited from my grandpa.
I started out loading on an old pacific press where you up stroke the case into the dies.
For years Iv done most of my load development on my Rcbs rock chucker and partner press. For the past 2 years Iv been using the Lyman turret press, the older one for my LR and hunting loads. For the 223 and 9mm I use my Dillion xl650. I can literally pump out hundreds per hour. For the most part it’s consistent. However you literally have to stay on top of it watching for low primers, powder and shells. You run out of one of these shit gets stupid fast. Rcbs RC press is just solid.i use it for all case related activities except bullet seating and I do that on my partner press. Once dies are set it’s pretty consistent. Lyman press is cool because I can set multiple dies and or multiple calibers. I have a Lyman presses and some others that are from grandpa that I’ll dig out and get names of.
I have a Dillon 550 that I like a lot. Haven't changed to high volume press...this does plenty and good therapy. I have a Redding single stage that I use for lower count reloading, like 260, 6.5, mk262 copy, 444 marlin, etc.
My friend has the 550 that I placed with before I got my 650.
I really liked it. I was actually looking for the 550 when I found the 650. It’s a pain in the ass at times
At one point, I had a 550 for (entire machine) for 5.56, 9mm, 40, 45 and one for revolver stuff at lower volumes. When I stopped shooting USPSA, I sold them all and went to a single stage Rockchucker. I switched over to a Hornady Lock n Load single stage about 5 years ago and only have it now. It does everything for me now. No more high volume
Lee, rcbs, dillion, various lyman, hornady, redding & other gear.

If it works for me, I use it regardless of brand, if not, I box it for trade or sale.

Edit to add: when okc sportsman's warehouse was going out of business, I bought a shitload of various brands of reloading gear & components really very fucking cheap, like .25 cents on the dollar cheap.

Bought two 550b for $160 +tax each, several years back sold one to a bud that had continual user error issues with a different brand progressive he never could figure out. I'd of bought it, but he had a lot of funds in it, and wanted a lot of funds for it.

plus a 1895 cowboy & 1300 defender for 50% off.

Same thing when southwest shooter's closed shop, bought a shitload of reloading components & factory ammo for very cheap.
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Lee Classic Cast iron single stage is what I load all my rifle on and my 38 and 357.
I have a turret press but I must do too many things in rifle brass prep/loading.

I want to feel each bullet being seated so I know they are all the same this way I can cull one that could be a potential flier.

Few days ago i got to load some prepped .223 Winchester and Remington cases Remington cases the pressures were all over the place.
Winchester cases the bullets seated very stiff.

I have not shot them for groups yet.
Team blue! I tried to get into reloading years ago and hated it on a rock chucker for bulk ammo so basically put everything in the closet, then learned the joy of a progressive and it actually made reloading enjoyable.

XL750 for 9mm
XL650 for 300blk/556
Rockchucker for low qty rifle calibers

And I should have a Square Deal B en route soon for 38 special.
I wish i had the bullet feeder for my 650 and the capacity to hold 200-300 primers. Seems as soon as i get started i run out of primers and the slowest part is placing the bullet on case every time. I’ve seen on YT where guys got them automated. Im not quite there yet.
I wish i had the bullet feeder for my 650 and the capacity to hold 200-300 primers. Seems as soon as i get started i run out of primers and the slowest part is placing the bullet on case every time. I’ve seen on YT where guys got them automated. Im not quite there yet.

I think they're getting close to primer feeding too. Seems that's the last step before full automation. Be nice to juat dump a bunch of primers in like you can with a case feeder, and not worry. The newer DAA primer collator looks pretty close, I just think the geometry of the primers makes it difficult to drop down a tube.