No wonder your husband is always grumpy. If my woman always had a headache and didn’t cook, I’d be a pissed off MF!
Ok, well in my defense, he knew what he was getting -- I've had those damned headaches most of my life. And he KNEW I don't cook worth a shit.
Apparently a live in maid has some value the older you get.

That man ...

It's like living with a teenager -- junk everywhere and doesn't clean up NOTHING. Thank goodness his "junk" is 99.9% gun stuff and his pension is the stuff legends are made of. That man has definitely lived a charmed life. Granted, he has worked for it but being in the right place at the right time doesn't hurt.
For example, even though he'd been with the state for approximately 10 years when I met him, I made more money than he did. (I still marvel that he managed to do the things he did on that salary.) Anyway, within a few years of me meeting him he got: a $10k/yr raise, became a State Trooper (which was another substantial raise, plus his "state retirement" -- which was shit BTW -- rolled to a OLERS pension, and got another substantial raise after he finished the training to get the uniform. THEN State Troopers got a GIGANTIC raise to get their pay more in line with "national standards" because OHP was having trouble recruiting and retaining. It was quite the whirlwind at our house for a while.
And I wish 401(k)s and the like had NEVER happened -- because that moved retirement planning from companies offering pensions as a part of the benefit package to the employee. But pay didn't rise to reflect the amount of money that was being contributing by companies. Basically, the little guy got screwed. Again. The number of people who have NO retirement funds put back is staggering now. And once the feds raise the "retirement age" on SS again, all the kids coming up under us are gonna wind up working forever. It's disgusting.
Oops ... I'll get off my high horse now. As you can tell I'm not a fan of big biz ... Or the .gov ...