Look dude, Wanting to help is great. Helping and offering to help is great. Nobody cares if you do it for free or not though. Nobody cares how many homebuilds you've done. It proves nothing. While we have a really small community on here, there's an amazing amount of knowledge and experience, and there isn't a single one of us that is omnipotent in everything gun, but we all also never know who we are talking to. As mentioned in the rules:IMO you shit all over the thread -one intended to help others. You asked for an opinion of the possible problem you are having, then threw shit n everything I said. Consistent bolt lock on a gas operated weapon is essential to accuracy. I repeated that in one instance after another which you say is incorrect. Well, fuck me if that isn’t what I’ve seen and been told from iver 50 years of dealing with all types of rifles. That would includes helping over 20 guys build AKs in my garage (some are here and good friends), helping numerious people change out barrels and hand guards on their ARs, trouble shooting ARs for friends and their friends, etc teaching Scouts for their rifle badges, doing YHEC for years, teaching ARs at WOT for years, and never made a dime out of it.
Back to you and your question, you change to a lighter bolt carrier and you accuracy goes sideways. What does the bolt carrier do? It carries the bolt carrier into lock and with the lighter bolt carrier your accuracy goes sideways.
And you still say it isn’t bolt lock up.
Just stay the fuck out of ny threads and I’ll do the same for you.

Notice the part where it says in section 1 part b: You may be a keyboard commando, but there may be actual SOF on the other side. Meaning: You may know what you know, but that doesn't mean that the guy on the other side of the internet doesn't know better. You never know if you're telling a fudd sleeping in a winnebago down by the river that he doesn't know shit, or if that guy is a world class, proven shooter with a serious hand in creating shooting sports as we know it, or bonafide Retired SF, or a career police officer with years of SWAT experience. We have them all here. Just cause you're being told you aren't right doesn't mean someone is shitting on you or your intentions. Take it as an opportunity to learn from someone who may know better.