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Food & Stuff

Got a new grind and brew coffee maker because my wife has a metric shit-ton of coffee beans from her prepper days. Cleaned the new machine, put beans in it and hit brew. While it was brewing I happened to look at the coffee bean bag... Despite the age, it was surprisingly not too bad. We have enough of this shit for two lifetimes...

Got a new grind and brew coffee maker because my wife has a metric shit-ton of coffee beans from her prepper days. Cleaned the new machine, put beans in it and hit brew. While it was brewing I happened to look at the coffee bean bag... Despite the age, it was surprisingly not too bad. We have enough of this shit for two lifetimes...

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I like it when they have the 'expiration date' down to the exact hour and minute!!
Looks pretty tasty,

I'd have sides of homemade baked beans, potato salad, coleslaw and yellow cake with buttercream icing.