Funny. Growing up I was very much a plain ham and cheese, baloney and pimento cheese, or peanut butter and banana sandwich kinda kid. I remember watching my dad make braunschweiger sandwiches with onion and mustard or olive loaf, that sorta stuff. I always thought it was super weird and looked gross.
But the older I get, the more I turn into my dad I feel. Growing up, we never got leftovers for lunch, just sandwiches. Now, I tend to eat leftovers for lunch. Not big on sandwiches, but every once in a while, I’ll eat sandwiches for a few weeks. Today’s sandwich is pumpernickel bread, Muenster cheese, thinly sliced onions, jagdwurst, and sweet/spicy Düsseldorf mustard. It tasted like the fanciest bologna sandwich you’ve ever had.
Any good sandwich ideas? What’s your favorite?